Where Can I Buy CBD With Less than .3%THC?

5:55 pm EDT 8/13/2020
Buying CBD may be a challenging task for a number of reasons: the first is being new to the compound and not having enough understanding yet as to what the terminologies and legislations are.
The second is not knowing the right place to purchase your CBD from, even with a perfect knowledge of the compound itself.
To help you fix all of the problems, we have provided below an in-depth guide on how to shop CBD with .3% THC, and more.
So where can you buy CBD with less than .3% THC? We’re glad you asked. You can get your CBD oil and other CBD products with .3% THC at The Emerald Corp CBD Shop. Here you not only get the best, high quality CBD products and enjoy the best deals, you also get to experience a whole lot of perks which we review in more detail below.
Also, to help you understand exactly what kind of CBD you will be getting on The Emerald Corp Shop when you shop there, and what other options there are, we also provide a refresher on THC thresholds, CBD spectrums, and what the implications of all these are.
Where To Buy CBD With .3%THC – The Emerald Corp Shop
As mentioned earlier, you can buy CBD with less than .3% THC on The Emerald Corp CBD Shop , a marketplace brought to you by The Emerald Corp, where we make all our industry-leading products available at a highly competitive price.
The Emerald Corp itself is a vertically integrated manufacturer of branded and private label products in the holistic health market. Our specialization can be found in Cannabinoid Sciences and we offer a wide array of CBD infused products, all available on the store.
In our bid to get all our undeniably therapeutic products to even more final consumers, we also partner up with brands all with their own areas of specialization to bring you a degree of flexibility that you will rarely find elsewhere.
Apart from the fact that our products are of the highest quality, highly compliant and made in GMP certified facilities, we also offer a host of benefits to be found below:
Perks of Buying CBD Online at The Emerald Corp Shop
When you purchase your CBD online at The Emerald Corp Shop, you automatically ensure that what you’re getting is a high-quality, absolutely legal, and completely therapeutic CBD oil. And then, of course, you get to enjoy a few more perks listed below:
State-of-the-Art Facilities
All our products at The Emerald Corp are formulated by highly talented individuals at state-of-the-art facilities that rank as some of the best in the country. We are always constantly innovating and coming up with formulas that are going to leave you enriched and feeling great for a long time.
Comprehensive Brand Options to Choose From
At The Emerald Corp we give the luxury of choosing between numerous high quality brands all with a formula of their own. And even though they all have something unique to offer, one thing they all have in common is a knack for delivering high quality products that keeps you coming back for more.
Easy-to-Use Customer Portal
Here at The Emerald Corp, our emphasis is just about geared towards convenience as it is on efficiency, and this is why we offer a comprehensive customer portal to track your status, making sure at the same time that is simple enough to navigate without having to waste an entire day figuring out the intricacies of the system.
Easy-to-Navigate Categorical Classifications
The Emerald Corp Shop also offers a comprehensive category to sort by. What this means is that you’re not limited to CBD oils alone in your quest to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of CBD products in general.
You also also have the options of edibles, hand sanitizer, panic blockers, and cosmetics.
Vertical Integration
At The Emerald Corp, we operate a vertically integrated operations chain for even more efficiency. You can rest assured that there is not a moment wasted, or an ounce of quality sacrificed in attempts to outsource a key stage of production to another firm.
From seed to sale, The Emerald Corp us in full control of our supply chain.
Industry Leading Compliance
The fact that you’re here reading this automatically shows that you care about compliance. And that is great because at The Emerald Corp Shop, we care too. Our company is highly industry compliant, boosting a GMB certification and other industry test certifications to prove this.
A Quick Refresher on CBD Spectrums
Being adamant about getting a particular kind of CBD, with a very exact range of THC content (measured in percentages) is not necessarily a product of being toopendantic. There are actually highly important reasons why you should always pay attention to your CBD ingredients, their sources, spectrums, and their THC thresholds.
The first of these reasons is the fact that all these can go a long way to determine whether or not CBD consumption is actually legal in your state. To put it as simply as possible, all CBD containing less than .3% THC are considered federally safe, and therefore, legal, meaning you’re free to buy and have these delivered to any location in all fifty states.
The second reason why you should always care about these factors, is that they also determine what spectrum your CBD falls into.
What are CBD spectrums, you ask? Well, CBD spectrums are classifications that reflect the purity, content, and creation/extraction methods of your CBD. There are three major types of CBD spectrums, these are: Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and Isolates.
Full Spectrum CBD
To understand what makes CBD “full spectrum”, it’s important to know a little about the extraction process. You see, when CBD is extracted from its hemp source, there tends to be trace amounts of other compounds also present.
Examples of these compounds are terpenes, flavonoids, among others. CBD is considered full spectrum when it contains cannabidiol along with other cannabinoids present in the plant.
Full spectrum CBD does contain THC, but in a composition that is much less than 0.3% and is NOT enough to induce psychoactive properties that may get you high.
An isolate in chemistry is a term used to refer to the purest form of any compound extracted from a primary source. And this sort of gives the main idea as to what CBD isolates are.
CBD isolates are considered the purest form of CBD, which means they contain CBD ONLY, with all other plant compounds and cannabinoids completely removed. They are tasteless, odorless, do not contain THC, and will NOT get you high.
Broad Spectrum CBD
Last on the list of types of CBD spectrums is the broad spectrum CBD, which is a type of CBD that has been extracted from the source along with other cannabinoids present, but with NO THC.
This, as you can see, is a sort of hybrid between the full spectrum THC and pure isolates.
Broad spectrum CBD offers the full benefits of the cannabis plants, the full benefits of CBD, and the full benefits of other cannabinoids present without producing the psychoactive properties to be gotten from the consumption of THC.
Where to Buy CBD With No THC?
Now that you understand what makes a particular kind of CBD fall into a designated category, it will automatically become much easier for you to not only differentiate between types of CBD, but also make a decision as to which particular type is the best.
You will also be more confident shopping for CBD on The Emerald Corp Shop, knowing that you have a fuller understanding of what you’re on the lookout for.
And even though the bulk of this article is about buying CBD with less than 0.3% THC (that is, in a way, buying full spectrum CBD) it is also okay to wonder where you can buy CBD with no THC whatsoever (that is, isolates and broad spectrum CBD).
Well, we’d like to inform you with great joy that you CAN also obtain your pure CBD with no THC on The Emerald Corp Shop.
And what’s more, all the perks and benefits available above for those who shop for full spectrum CBD, are also available for those who are on the lookout for CBD with no THC.
Final Takeaway
Shop CBD with less than 0.3% THC can be a challenge for those who don’t have a sound knowledge on what THC thresholds are, or those who don’t know where to look.
To alleviate these concerns, we provided above an in-depth guide on these topics. In summary, full spectrum CBD contains CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids. Broad spectrum CBD contains CBD and other components with no THC, while CBD isolate contains only CBD with no THC and no other cannabinoids.
Most important thing to note, though, is that regardless which spectrum of CBD you’re on the lookout for, you should always remember that you can get your CBD of any kind on The Emerald Corp Shop.
There are lots of benefits to be gotten from this including high quality products, and an array of options to choose from.