What is CBD?

12:37 pm EST 1/21/2021
What is CBD?
If you’ve been keeping up with recent happenings in the world, it is safe to assume that you would surely have come across the topic of CBD being discussed around you.
This amazing compound has been covered in the traditional mainstream media, on social media, and even in classrooms and academic journals. It’s safe to say, even, that it has become something of a phenomenon. But what exactly is this product, and what in the world is the fuss all about? Well, don’t you worry, we’re here to answer all your questions and more below.
We hope that by the time you’re done with the article you’ll have an in-depth knowledge of not just what CBD is, but also its importance, uses, types, and where you can get the best quality.
Meaning of CBD (Cannabidiol)
So what exactly is CBD? Well, CBD, short form for Cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis.
Now we all know what cannabis is. A lot of people love it, a lot of people feel some type of way about it. But one thing we can all agree upon is the fact that cannabis is so controversial majorly due to its psychoactive effect – i.e. its ability to get people high and hyperactive.
So what happens if we’re able to consume the components of cannabis without getting high? That, ladies and gentlemen, is where CBD comes in.
CBD, you see, is an extract gotten from cannabis without the majority of the THC component, which itself is the active ingredient responsible for the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant.
Are you still with us? It’s okay if you’re getting a bit confused at this point. These are quite technical terms, after all.
To break down the concept of CBD even further, and make things simpler, we take a look below at some of these important terms one after the other — THC, Cannabis, Hemp, and finally CBD itself.
Cannabis, THC, Hemp, and CBD
Now, one of the reasons for the seemingly complex nature of understanding CBD is the general misunderstanding that arises from trying to differentiate between the commonly used terminologies and what they stand for.
Three of these terms are cannabis, THC, and CBD. Knowing the meaning of the first is vital to fully understanding the third.
So first, we take a look at cannabis and THC, after which you should already have a clear picture of how CBD is different, and what makes this compound so special.
Cannabis and THC
Cannabis itself is a flowering plant. It is worth noting, though, that the form of cannabis that we are most familiar with, such as weed/pot, is bred for its high THC content.
Again, this is because it is the THC itself that is responsible for the psychoactive “high” effect experienced when people consume cannabis.
Hemp and CBD
Hemp, on the other hand, is another form of cannabis that is NOT cultivated for its psychoactive properties. It is cultivated for industrial use, and this is why hemps are grown to contain below 0.3% THC.
Staying below this threshold of 0.3% of THC ensures that there is no psychoactive induction whatsoever whenever the compounds are consumed.
So how do all of these relate to CBD? Good question. You see, CBD, like THC, can be found in cannabis plants, but unlike THC, CBD has NO psychoactive properties. What all of this means is that once you have your CBD derived from industrial hemp (containing less than 0.3% THC) you can consider your CBD, and any product made with it (like CBD oil) completely legal.
Different Types of CBD
Now that we understand what CBD means and how it is cultivated, it is time to move on to the kinds of CBD, or what is known as the “spectrum classification” of CBD.
CBD, you see, can be classified into three distinct categories based on its content, purity, and purpose. We take a look at all three of these classifications below.
Full Spectrum CBD
To understand what makes CBD “full spectrum”, it is important to know a little about the extraction process involved in obtaining CBD from the source.
You see, as mentioned above, the plant source from which CBD is extracted contains not just CBD only, but other active ingredients (about a hundred of them) in different compositions.
This is why when private label CBD is extracted from its hemp source, there tends to be trace amounts of other compounds present. Examples of these compounds include terpenes, flavonoids, among others.
CBD is considered to be full spectrum when it contains cannabidiol (actual CBD) along with other compounds, and THC, present.
But you don’t have to worry just yet. Even though full spectrum CBD does contain THC, it does so in a composition that is much less than 0.3% and as such, is completely safe, legal, and does NOT induce any psychoactive property that may get you high.
Pros of Full Spectrum CBD
Full spectrum CBD is great for individuals who are okay with consuming a low amount of THC; individuals with more severe conditions; and generally for those who live in states where cannabis is considered legal.
CBD Isolate
An isolate in the formal sense of the word is a term used to refer to the purest form of a compound, such as CBD, extracted from a primary source.
From this it is clear that when we refer to “CBD isolates”, we are referring to the form of CBD extracts considered to be the purest form, i.e. they contain only CBD with all other compounds completely removed.
And yes, this also includes THC. So, in short, a CBD isolate does NOT contain THC, and as such is tasteless, odorless, and does not have psychoactive properties.
Pros of CBD Isolate
CBD isolate is great for individuals who are sensitive to THC or other cannabinoids; those who want to consume a high dose of CBD; those who are about to take drug screening tests, and those who live in states with strict cannabis laws.
Broad Spectrum CBD
Last on the types of CBD spectrums, we have the broad spectrum CBD, which is a type of CBD that has been extracted from the source plant with other cannabinoids present, but NO THC.
This, as you can see, is a sort of hybrid between the full spectrum THC, with all possible compounds present, and pure isolates with absolutely no other cannabinoid present.
Broad spectrum CBD offers the full benefits of the cannabis plants, the full benefits of CBD, and the full benefits of other cannabinoids present without producing the psychoactive properties to be gotten from the consumption of THC.
Pros of Broad Spectrum CBD
Broad spectrum CBD is perfect for individuals whose conditions require a dose that isolate alone cannot quite relieve; individuals that are sensitive to THC, first time users, and those who live in states with strict CBD laws.
Why Is CBD So Important?
Having answered all the questions about CBD to Shop CBD, learn its meaning, its types, and those whom it is suitable for, there is still one question yet to be answered.
What exactly is so special about CBD? Well, CBD is so special, you see, thanks to its remarkable health benefits, backed up by years of scientific research and evidence. CBD is known to support a healthy response to inflammation, anxiety, paranoia and much more.
The Emerald Corp
Here — having finally reached the stage of reaping the full benefits of CBD and enjoying all the therapeutic effects it has to offer — is where we at The Emerald Corp come into play.
Our aim, you see, is to help you find the best kinds of CBD products, of all spectrums and kinds, that suit you perfectly, without hassle, and without compromising on quality.
So what exactly is The Emerald Corp? The Emerald Corp is a vertically integrated manufacturer of branded and private label products in the holistic health market. We specialize in Cannabinoid Sciences and offer a wide array of CBD infused products.
We also help individuals and companies formulate and build their own CBD brands through our private label CBD & white label program and our group of specialized experts.